
Edwin is the money-hacking millennial behind Cash The Checks. He lives a minimalist lifestyle and is always eager to learn and share his methods to save and make money.

Use Your Writing Skills To Improve Your Finances

Millennials are often referred to as the connected era – growing up as the generation that grew up on their devices and the internet. They prefer alternative styles of employment and are enamored with the idea of financial freedom and entrepreneurship. As a result, this digital age is looking for multiple income streams, making blogs

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Best credit monitoring services

Credit Monitoring: What Is It, Do You Need It, and Is It Worth It?

You hear so much about identity theft ruining credit scores and financial lives. And yet you always think it’s not going to be you until it is. If you’ve never faced having to clear your good name and financial reputation for years on end, consider yourself lucky. While you can’t 100% prevent identity theft, you

Credit Monitoring: What Is It, Do You Need It, and Is It Worth It? Read More »